Cristiano Ronaldo's New Mansion Causing Problems in Portugal: Pharaoh's Pyramid


Exterior view of Cristiano Ronaldo's luxurious mansion, Pharaoh's Pyramid, causing controversy in Portugal.


Cristiano Ronaldo, the renowned Portuguese football superstar, has been making headlines with his new mansion, popularly known as "Pharaoh's Pyramid." However, the construction of this extravagant residence has not been well-received by Ronaldo's neighbors and the local community in Portugal. This article delves into the frustrations and issues raised by the construction of Ronaldo's mansion and provides insights into the situation.

The Construction Project

The construction of Cristiano Ronaldo's mansion began three years ago in Lisbon and is expected to be completed in a year, according to Football Transfers. Initially estimated to cost around £10 million, the project's expenses have escalated dramatically, reaching an astounding £28 million. This significant increase in cost has raised eyebrows and fueled curiosity about the mansion's features and grandeur.

Frustration Among Neighbors

Several neighbors of Cristiano Ronaldo have expressed their frustration regarding the ongoing construction of his mansion. In an interview with Look Magazine, one of the Portugal national team captain's neighbors shared their grievances. They mentioned that the construction has been ongoing for three years, causing disturbances and inconveniences in the surrounding area. The scale of the mansion is so vast that it has drawn comparisons to a hospital, creating a visual disruption in the neighborhood.

Impacts on the Local Community

The construction of Pharaoh's Pyramid has had various impacts on the local community. One of the immediate consequences is the closure of the street where the mansion is being built. This closure has caused inconvenience for the residents, affecting their daily lives and routines. Additionally, the construction has led to an increase in dust and debris, which has affected the cleanliness and aesthetics of neighboring gardens and properties.

The Envisioned Future

Reports suggest that Cristiano Ronaldo intends to reside in his luxurious mansion following his retirement from professional football. This decision has sparked curiosity and speculation among fans and the media about Ronaldo's plans and lifestyle after his illustrious football career. The prospect of Ronaldo choosing Pharaoh's Pyramid as his future home has added a layer of fascination and allure to the already extravagant residence.


Cristiano Ronaldo's new mansion, Pharaoh's Pyramid, has become a topic of concern and frustration among his neighbors and the local community in Portugal. The lengthy construction period, along with the disruption caused to the neighborhood, has heightened tensions and sparked criticism. As the construction nears completion, the focus will shift to Ronaldo's post-retirement plans and the grandeur of his chosen residence.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. How long has the construction of Cristiano Ronaldo's mansion been ongoing?

    • The construction has been ongoing for three years.
  2. What is the estimated cost of the mansion?

    • Initially estimated to cost around £10 million, the project's expenses have escalated to £28 million.
  3. How has the construction impacted the local community?

    • The construction has led to the closure of the street, inconvenience for residents, and an increase in dust and debris.
  4. Will Cristiano Ronaldo live in Pharaoh's Pyramid after retiring from football?

    • Reports suggest that Ronaldo plans to reside in the luxurious mansion following his retirement.
  5. What has been the reaction of Ronaldo's neighbors to the construction?

    • Ronaldo's neighbors have expressed frustration and described the mansion's scale as resembling a hospital.

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