Jonathan Vero French 'Human Torch' Sets Record-Breaking Distance While on Fire

Jonathan Vero running on fire

 Have you ever heard of someone willingly setting themselves on fire to break a world record? Well, meet Jonathan Vero, a French firefighter and professional stuntman who has set the world alight with his incredible achievement. Jonathan has recently broken the record for the longest distance full body burn run without oxygen, running a staggering 272.25 meters (893 ft) while engulfed in flames. Not only that, but he also shattered the previous record for the fastest full body burn 100 m sprint without oxygen, clocking in at 17 seconds. Let's dive into the remarkable story of Jonathan Vero and his fiery pursuit of breaking Guinness World Records.

1. The Longest Distance Full Body Burn Run without Oxygen

The record for the longest distance full body burn run without oxygen is an extremely competitive one, and it has changed hands numerous times since 2009. Jonathan Vero's astounding achievement of running over three times further than the previous record holder, Keith Malcolm from the UK, showcases his unparalleled determination and courage.

2. From Firefighter to Stuntman

Jonathan Vero is not your ordinary firefighter. Alongside his heroic duties, he is a professional stuntman who has always had a fascination with fire. From his childhood days, he has been captivated by the mesmerizing element, engaging in fire juggling, fire eating, and even the daring act of becoming a "human torch" by setting his entire body ablaze.

3. Pushing the Limits

Driven by his passion for fire and his desire to push the boundaries, Jonathan embarked on this incredible journey to break Guinness World Records. His ultimate goal was to prove to himself that he could always go further as a fire artist. Jonathan spent three months rigorously training his endurance, explosiveness, and breathing in preparation for the record-breaking run.

4. Haubourdin: The Hometown of Flames

The official attempt took place in Haubourdin, France, Jonathan's hometown, and on the very same athletics track where he trained during his youth. The significance of this location added an emotional connection to the record-breaking feat. Jonathan wanted to pay tribute to the city that witnessed his growth and the people who supported him throughout his journey.

5. A Childhood Dream Come True

Breaking Guinness World Records was more than just an accomplishment for Jonathan. It was a childhood dream that he tirelessly pursued day in and day out. With unwavering dedication and a burning ambition, he strived to make this dream a reality. Now, he stands as a testament to the power of perseverance and determination.

6. The Future of Fire Records

Jonathan Vero's achievements are just the beginning for this remarkable individual. Fuelled by his burning passion, he envisions attempting and conquering even more incredible records in the future. He has earned the reputation of being a 'paradox' and a 'cheater of death,' and he believes that in the months to come, these descriptions will fully embody his extraordinary journey.


Jonathan Vero, the French 'Human Torch,' has left an indelible mark in the world of fire-related records. Through his exceptional courage, training, and unwavering spirit, he has surpassed all expectations and set new standards of achievement. Jonathan's feat serves as an inspiration to us all, reminding us that with dedication and the willingness to push our limits, we can reach extraordinary heights. So, let Jonathan's incredible story ignite the fire within you and motivate you to chase your own dreams, no matter how audacious they may seem.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How did Jonathan Vero prepare for his record-breaking run? Jonathan dedicated three months to training his endurance, explosiveness, and breathing to prepare for his record-breaking run. His rigorous training regimen enabled him to achieve the incredible feat.

2. Has Jonathan Vero broken any other records besides the full body burn run? Yes, in addition to the longest distance full body burn run without oxygen, Jonathan also broke the record for the fastest full body burn 100 m sprint without oxygen, clocking in at an impressive 17 seconds.

3. How many times has the record for the longest distance full body burn run without oxygen changed hands? Since 2009, the record for the longest distance full body burn run without oxygen has changed hands seven times, demonstrating the competitiveness of this record category.

4. What inspired Jonathan to attempt these records? Jonathan has always had a passion for fire and enjoys pushing his limits. He wanted to break Guinness World Records to fulfill his childhood dream and prove to himself that he can always go further as a fire artist.

5. What are Jonathan's future plans after achieving these records? Jonathan is not done yet. He has a strong desire to continue attempting and breaking more records in the future. His relentless pursuit of pushing the boundaries will undoubtedly lead to more awe-inspiring achievements.

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